Do Button, Do Camera, Do Note
Android, iOS
These are three different apps: Do Camera, Do Note and Do Button. The first two are pretty self-explanatory. Set up these apps and they’ll send photos straight to Facebook or notes to Evernote or tweet them out too. Do Button just gives a button-press simplicity to a lot of products-like smart thermostats.

It seems almost every app developer has that one idea that will completely fix email. Through there have been valiant efforts across the board, Hop thinks they’ve stumbled across the right solution- just make it like texting.

Face time is fun and every thing. But connect wait times as well as dropped calls almost always send us scrambling to just sending texts. Pop is as app that tries to make sending personal video messages less of a headache.

iA Writter-Android
iA Writter may be the most gorgeously simple text editor out there. The developers took painstaking efforts to provide minimalist design that also doesn’t feel empty of features. The text beauty does come at a somewhat pricey premium, but with Dropbox sync and a variety of different writing modes for specific styles and times of day, there’s no question the app is worth every cent.

SquadWatch-Windows Phone

The premise behind SquadWatch is simple. Invite family and trusted friends to basically know where you are and what you are up to. There are certain situations where it might be super useful.