Summary of the poem” Rooting Pomegranate by Daud Kamal 

 This poem tells us about the past of the Muslim nation of Baghdad. At that they
 Were scholars. This poem was wrote in 1992.People threw books into the river.
Baghdad was completely blue because of ink of the books. In this poem Baghdad 
is representing the whole Muslim colonized countries. This poem tells us about
the past of the Muslim nation of Baghdad. At that they were scholars, the none
Muslim attack on Muslim for the first time. Before the attack of Mongols Baghdad
was a very rich land, people were also scholars, business men. In this poem
 Mangol horses represent the colonizers. They had the business all over the world
when Mongol attack on Baghdad they lost their  whole business. Baghdad was
Destroyed but we can imagine Baghdad by seeing these pieces. Baghdad is still not saved from attacks. The theme of poem is effects of colonization. New generation still try to destroy Baghdad. Second times Americans attacked on Baghdad. New generation colonizers still attack on Baghdad. Pomegranate represents the countries which are destroyed. Poor countries attack on rich countries to get benefit by educationally or other prosperity at that time Baghdad was on climax point.

That was the first down fall of Muslim countries. Before the attack of Mangols they were developed people they were on the top in science, technology, education and in every field of life. First time Muslim nation was under colonization. Now still Americans control on Baghdad. More see link 

Literature Law and Movies: Lease of ImmoveablePropertyA lease is a transfer ...

Literature Law and Movies: Lease of ImmoveableProperty
A lease is a transfer ...
: Lease of Immoveable Property A lease is a transfer of a right to enjoy property for certain time against a price or rent. It operates...
Lease of Immoveable Property

A lease is a transfer of a right to enjoy property for certain time against a price or rent.
It operates as a conveyance in the eyes of law meaning thereby a lessee has the rights over the property in respect of which lease is issued, however, such rights are subject to the terms and conditions of a lease.

There is no difference in the legal character of a lease and a sub-lease. A lease is generally granted by the relevant authorities for an open plot of land for residential, commercial, industrial or other purpose and on the other hand a sub-lease is generally granted in respect of premises situated in a building/complex having multiple premises and each holder of a premises gets a sub-lease to the extent of premises held by him/her. 

There is no prescribed period under the law for which a lease or a sub-lease is to be granted and each and every lease or sub-lease as the case may be can be for such duration as stipulated under each of the said lease or sub-lease.

It is advisable and strongly recommended that any person acquiring rights in a property by virtue of either lease or sub-lease shall ensure that such the same is duly registered under the Registration Act, 1908. It is a mandatory requirement of the Registration Act, 1908, that any lease for a period of more than one year needs to be compulsorily registered.

Literature Law and Movies:

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Movie Alone
Images and Sample

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Literature Law and Movies: TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882In Pakistan the tra...

Literature Law and Movies: TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882
In Pakistan the tra...
: TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882 In Pakistan the transferring of property  from one person to other, ownership rights relating to a party...

In Pakistan the transferring of property  from one person to other, ownership rights relating to a party by virtue of such transfer and other matters relating thereto are  governed by a law named as the “Transfer of Property Act, 1882”

Sale of immoveable Property
Transfer of ownership of the immoveable property from the seller to the buyer against some valuable consideration which is generally a price.
Sale of an immoveable property is affected in two steps, firstly when the parties enter into an Agreement whereby the terms and conditions under which the immoveable property is being sold and purchased by the parties are settled and agreed upon.

It is advisable that the terms and conditions agreed between the parties are duly recorded under a formal written agreement and be duly signed by both the seller and purchaser and to be attested by two witnesses. It would not be out of place to mention here that an Agreement for sale does neither transfer the ownership of an immoveable property nor it by itself create any proprietary or ownership rights in an immoveable property. In other words it can be said that an Agreement for Sale is not a title document and does not confers any title or ownership in an immoveable property. detial please see page Family Law
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Literature Law and Movies: MUSLIM PROPERTY MATTERSPOWER OF ATTORNEY(MUKHTARNA...: MUSLIM PROPERTY MATTERS POWER OF ATTORNEY (MUKHTARNAMA)- as per The Power of Attorney Act VII of 1882) What is a Power of Attorney? ...
(MUKHTARNAMA)- as per The Power of Attorney Act VII of 1882)
What is a Power of Attorney?
A Power of Attorney is an instrument empowering a specified person or person to act for or in the name of the person executing it.
A Power of Attorney may be executed jointly by number of person as the Principals. It may be executed in favour  of one person or number of person as the attorney or attorneys.
General and Special Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is either General or Special.
If the appointment is made for a Specified Act or Acts, the Deed is called “Power of Attorney”. If it is made generally authorizing the Attorney to act generally or in more then one transaction for certain acts it is called “General Power of Attorney”.
Who can execute a Power of Attorney?
Any person who has the capacity to Contract can execute Power of Attorney i.e. person must be major and sound of mind.
General Principles and Rules of Construction of Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney must be strictly construed as giving only such powers as it confer expressly or by necessary implication.
One of the most important rules of construction of Power of Attorney is that regards must be had to recitals, which as showing the scope and object of Power which control, all the general terms in the operative part of the instrument.
The General Power of Attorney does not necessarily give unlimited authority to the attorney.
Where a Special Power of Attorney confers power to a person to contract a particular suit pending in a particular court and does not expressly gives power to engage an Advocate, for other litigation than the Attorney does not have authority  to engage an Advocate and sign plaints etc.
Registration of Power of Attorney
The Registration of Power of Attorney is not compulsory, yet the Courts are not bound to presume its genuineness unless it is registered.
However, it is to be executed before the “Notary Public” or any “Court”, judge, Magistrate ,Pakistan Council or vice Council or the representation of the Central Government because in that case any Court before which it is produced shall presume its genuineness under Article 95 of The Qanun-e-Shahadat Order:1984.
Duration of Power of Attorney
·         When power of attorney is given for a fixed period power of attorney expires on lapse of time.
·         When power of attorney is given for a specific act, on completion of such act, power of attorney terminates.
·         Power of attorney terminates on the death of the principal/donor or the attorney/done.
·         Power of attorney can be terminated by giving public notice of termination/revocation by the principle/donor.
·         Power of attorney can be revoked by giving public notice in newspaper
·         Power of attorney is always revocable but power coupled with interest is irrevocable until the interest has been satisfied.
·         When Power of Attorney is part of security for money then it is not revocable. This principle is applicable to every case where a Power of Attorney is necessary to affect any security. But this rule of common law does not apply to prevent revocation by death of principal.
·         No revocation of power of attorney if given for consideration.

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Literature Law and Movies: CHILD CUSTODYWho can custody begranted for?The Cou...

Literature Law and Movies: CHILD CUSTODYWho can custody begranted for?The Cou...: CHILD CUSTODY Who can custody be granted for? The Court can grant custody for a minor Muslim child a guardian appointed by it. Who is...
Who can custody be granted for?
The Court can grant custody for a minor Muslim child a guardian appointed by it.
Who is a minor?
Any person who has not completed the age of 18 years is a minor.
Who can be appointed as Guardian?
The Court appoints a Guardian taking into consideration the welfare of the minor, which includes:
·         The age, sex and religion of the minor
·         Character of the guardian and his nearness to kin if minor is old enough to form an opinion then his or her preference.
When is the mother entitled to custody?

Under Shia Law, the mother is entitled to custody of a male child till she attains the age of two years and a female child till she attains the age of seven years. After these ages custody belongs to the father unless she proves otherwise. 
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Literature Law and Movies: DIVORCEWHAT IS Divorce?“It is the legal dissolutio...

Literature Law and Movies: DIVORCEWHAT IS Divorce?“It is the legal dissolutio...: DIVORCE WHAT IS Divorce? “It is the legal dissolution of marriage between spouses” What are the various forms of Divorce? The contr...
WHAT IS Divorce?
“It is the legal dissolution of marriage between spouses”
What are the various forms of Divorce?
The contract of marriage under Islamic Law may be dissolved in any one of the following ways:
·         By the husband at his will (Talak)
·         Talak-e-Tafweez (delegated power of divorce)
·         By mutual consent of husband and wife (Mubarat)
·         Khula by wife
·         Judicial Divorce
Divorce by Talak:
Any Muslim of sound mind, who has attained puberty, may divorce his wife where the desire without assigning any cause.
Is there prescribed for pronouncing Talak?
·     for details please see page Family Law

Literature Law and Movies: RIGHT OF MAINTENANCE OF A WIFEIs a husband bound ...

Literature Law and Movies: RIGHT OF MAINTENANCE OF A WIFE
Is a husband bound ...
: RIGHT OF MAINTENANCE OF A WIFE Is a husband bound to maintain his wife? • Husband has a legal, moral and social duty to provide adequate ...
Is a husband bound to maintain his wife?
Husband has a legal, moral and social duty to provide adequate maintenance for his wife during         the subsistence of their marriage.

Is this duty enforceable by Court?
If the husband neglects or refuse to maintain his wife, without any lawful cause, then the wife             may either initiate civil proceedings against him for payment of maintenance due or institute               criminal action for a monthly allowance to be paid to her,
The husband’s social status and level of legitimate financial sources are important factors for               deciding the quantum of maintenance. fashion 
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Literature Law and Movies: DOWERWhat is Dower?“It is the sum which the wife i...

Literature Law and Movies: DOWERWhat is Dower?“It is the sum which the wife i...: DOWER What is Dower? “It is the sum which the wife is entitled to receive from the husband by virtue of the marriage contract.” What ...
What is Dower?
“It is the sum which the wife is entitled to receive from the husband by virtue of the marriage contract.”
What can from the subject of Dower?
Anything over which dominion or the right of property may be exercised or anything which may be reduced in possession can form the subject of dower. It may be cash or kind.
Is there an amount specified for Dower or Mahr?
Under Shia Law, there is no fixed legal minimum.
When can Dower be fixed?
The amount of Dower may be fixed either before or at the time of the marriage.
Can the Dower amount be changed subsequently?
·         Husband, at any time during the sustenance of marriage, can enhance the Dower amount fixed in the Nikahnama. However, he cannot decrease the same.
Under Shia Law, if the husband divorces the wife before consummation of marriage, the Dower is reduced by half but if the husband dies before consummation, the full Dower is payable to the wife.
Prompt and Deferred Dower
Dower is usually split into two parts:
·         Prompt Dower: which is payable on demand
·         Deferred Dower: which is payable on dissolution of marriage by death or divorce.

Literature Law and Movies: MUSLIM FAMILY LAWMARRIAGEWhat is marriage?“Marr...

Literature Law and Movies: MUSLIM FAMILY LAW
What is marriage?
: MUSLIM FAMILY LAW MARRIAGE What is marriage? “Marriage is a civil contract between the spouses solemnized according to religious and soci...

Unbroken Movie

Unbroken (Movie)
Through the epic and ambitious, Jolie’s second outing as a director fails to do justice outing as a director fails to do justice to the rousing real life story of Louis Zamperini.
For her second film as a director, Angelina Jolie has elected to go down the old school Hollywood route an inspirational war picture about athlete-turned soldier Louis Zamperini who survived weeks adrift in an open boat after his plane was shut down over the Pacific during the second world war, then endured a horrific period in a prisoner of war camp. Though high minded and well as being conceived on an epic scale there is something faintly stodgy about the endeavor. Jolie does however get things off to a cracking start. She introduces Zamperini in his role as a B-52 bombardier on a flight as the US is pushing the Japanese back across the Pacific Zamperini drops his bombs, then has to grapple with a stuck bomb bay door as his plane takes vicious fire from enemy fighters. Jolie films the sequence with a rackety clanging realism that puts one right in the cockpit. Unfortunately things are not maintained at this intense pitch Zamperini’s story breaks down neatly into a three act structure and Unbroken appears to take its cue rather too readily from this well made conventional narrative design.
This is a true story, right enough, but there are inevitable echoes of other films. Though apparently keen to stick to the facts. Jolie’s stolidly conventional approach to the matrimonial hardly freshness it up. As for Julie, where does this leave her? Unbroken is undoubtedly being positioned as awards bait, and the goodwill she has inside and outside   Hollywood may generate some Oscar nominations. But like her first film, there is a reined in by the book quality to much of the film-making that does not exactly add to its impact. Zamperini’s is an inspiring story all right, but in Jolie’s hands it is all a bit inspirational.

literature and movies: INHERITANCE UNDER MUSLIM LAW

literature and movies: INHERITANCE UNDER MUSLIM LAW: INHERITANCE What is inheritance? It is the mode of transfer of property and/or the involuntary devolution of property by which the estate ...


What is inheritance?
It is the mode of transfer of property and/or the involuntary devolution of property by which the estate of deceased person is transferred to his heirs as his successors after his death.

What can be inherited?
All property, move able and immovable, ancestral and self-acquired, belonging to the the deceased may be inherited by the heirs, provided the same is free from all encumbrances. Therefore it is necessary that funeral expenses, debts (which includes dower debt i-e. Dower payable to the widow of the deceased) and the will, if any, are at the first instance satisfied before the heritable property is divided among the legal heirs of the deceased.

When can property be inherited?
Right of inheritance is created only on the death of certain person; hence the right of the heirs             comes into existence at the exact time of such death, and till then they are not entitled to any               interest in the property to which they would succeed as heirs.
In such a case, succession certificate or a latter of administration, as the case may be, is a must,           which is to be issued to the legal heirs from the competent court of law. All the legal heirs would         have to apply through a petition to be moved on their behalf.
Letter of administration is required in case of immovable property and succession certificate in         case of move able property.
In case of any minor legal heir his or her share is to be deposited with the Nazir of the relevant          court till such time when the minor attains majority or adulthood where after he can make an               application to the Court for the withdrawal of his share.
A child in the womb of the mother at the time of father’s death inherits and a share has to be               reserved for him to which he would be entitled.
Classes of heir: Shia Laws
There are two classes of heirs, namely:
1. Shares: who are entitled to a prescribed share of the inheritance;
2. Residuary: who take no prescribed share, but succeed to the “residue” after the claims of the shares are satisfied

Who may not be legal heirs?
Step children/step parents.
Adopted children
Illegitimate children
Divorced spouses
A wife divorced by a dying husband inherits if he dies before the expiration of iddat period.
Under Shia Law, a childless widow has no share in her husband’s immoveable property but she has share in his moveable property.

literature and movies: GIFT Under Shia Law

literature and movies: GIFT Under Shia Law: GIFTS Under Shia Law  A gift to a stranger is revocable any time so long as the subject of the gift exists. It is not                   ...

GIFT Under Shia Law

GIFTS Under Shia Law

A gift to a stranger is revocable any time so long as the subject of the gift exists. It is not                     allowed when:
             It perishes or is transformed
            There is a substantial change in it or has increased in value
            Third party interest is created
A gift to parents, a blood relative and souses cannot be retracted after delivery of possession has         been made.
Successors in interest of donor cannot revoke gift after his death.
A gift cannot be revoked when done is dead and subject matter of the gift has devolved upon his         legal heirs.

literature and movies: Muslim Personal/Family and Property Matters

literature and movies: Muslim Personal/Family and Property Matters: GIFTS What is a Gift? “A Gift is transfer of certain existing moveable or immoveable property made voluntarily and without consideration, ...

literature and movies: Muslim Personal/Family and Property Matters

literature and movies: Muslim Personal/Family and Property Matters: GIFTS What is a Gift? “A Gift is transfer of certain existing moveable or immoveable property made voluntarily and without consideration, ...

Muslim Personal/Family and Property Matters

What is a Gift?
“A Gift is transfer of certain existing moveable or immoveable property made voluntarily and without consideration, by one person called the donor, to another called the done, and accepted by or on behalf of the done”
Such acceptance must be made;
During the lifetime of the donor
While he is still capable of giving
If the done dies before acceptance, the gift is void.
A gift made in death-illness would be governed by law of Will.

What can be Gifted?
A gift may be made of anything over which right of property may be exercised or anything which can be reduced into possession or may be exercised as an enforceable right.

Essential qualifications of subject matter of Gift
It must exist at the time the gift is made of anything which is to be produced in future is void.
The donor must possess and down it. If it is not owned and possessed by the donor it cannot be           gifted.

Parties to a Gift
The Donor must
Be of the age of majority
Be of sound mind
Have the requisite freedom
Have ownership of the subject matter of the disposition

The Donee:

Must be in existence at the time of gift. It includes child in a womb.
Can be any person without distinction of gender, age creed or religious faith.
Can be non-Muslim
Can be a mosque or place of religious practice as the same is a juristic person

Pre-requisites of a valid Gift
The Donor must be an adult and sound mind and free agent.
The subject of the gift must belong to the donor and must be in existence at the time of the gift.
Done must be in existence at the time of the gift (including a child in womb).
Essentials of a valid Gift
A declaration of gift by the donor
An acceptance of gift, express or implied, by or on behalf of the done
Delivery of possession of the donor, actual or constructive, of the subject of the gift by the donor         to the donee.
Possession-fundamental element of Gifts under the Mohammedan Law
Immovable Property
In the possession of the donor: for completion of gift requires actual physical possession
In occupation of tenants: for completion of gift by delivery of title deeds or by requesting tenant         to have all subsequent dealings with the donee.

Move able Property
For completion of gift actual physical delivery is essential

For completion of gift actual delivery either by cash or pay order. Entry in books of accounts               that’s money has been paid to donee is insufficient.

Can be actual or constructive
When donee is minor or a lunatic, the guardian of property of such minor or lunatic must take              possession of the subject of the gift.
There is no need for actual delivery of possession when is by parents to children or by spouses             to each other.
Constructive possession shall suffice.

Is there a prescribed form for Gifts?
There is no Mohammedan rule that a gift must be in writing.
Oral gifts are equally.
Oral gifts are not vitiated because of absence of a registered instrument signed by the donor and         attested by at least two witnesses.
It is advisable and strongly recommended that gift of immovable property be effected through a           registered document duly registered under the Registration Act, 1908.
If a donor imposes any condition or restriction inconsistent with full ownership, the gift is valid           but the condition is invalid.
When can a gift be revoked?
Before delivery of possession, a gift is not complete and can be easily revoked.